Monday, January 11, 2010

Japanese design principles

The Zen principles of Aesthetics are derived from the Buddhism beliefs of Anicca or Impermanence where “everything, without exception, is constantly in flux, even planets, stars and gods”. (Wikipedia)

FUKINSEI (imbalanced)
Asymmetry, odd numbers, irregularity, unevenness, imbalance is used as a denial of perfection as perfection and symmetry does not occur in nature.

KANSO (simple)
Elimination of ornate and things of simplicity by nature expresses their truthfulness. Neat, frank and uncomplicated.

KOKOU (austere)
Basic, weathered bare essentials that are aged and unsensuous. Evokes sternness, forbiddance, maturity and weight.

SHIZEN (natural)
Raw, natural and unforced creativity without pretence. True naturalness is to negate the naive and accidental.

YUGEN (subtle profound)
Suggest and not reveal layers of meaning hidden within. Invisible to the casual eye and avoiding the obvious.

DATSUZOKU (unworldly)
Transcendence of conventional and traditional. Free from the bondage of laws and restrictions. True creativity.

SEIJAKU (calm)
Silence and tranquility, blissful solitude. Absence of disturbance and noise from one’s mind, body and surroundings.

(via Thinkingalaud)

What's Under Your Mask?

What’s Under Your Mask? That’s the question that German illustrator Adrian Pavic asks in this series of prints.

Phillip Niemeyer | Picturing the Past 10 Years

"Picturing the Past 10 Years" is an op-chart by Phillip Niemeyer for the New York Times

Punctirus bracelet or necklace can never go unnoticed.

unctirus bracelet or necklace can never go unnoticed. By Art Lebedev Studio.

Vintage airline Logo

The Museum of Flight displays an impressive collection of vintage airline logos.

Vintage BMW Ads
